Una Hubbard

W : findingcentre.co.nz
E : findingcentre@yahoo.com
M : 021 022 88930
Please contact Una for more info on her classes, courses, workshops and one to one sessions.

About Una

Una became a certified Flow Yoga teacher in 2006 and has been teaching classes at Habit, the Open Polytechnic of NZ, and in many corporate environments throughout Wellington for over ten years. In 2013 she discovered the healing potency of iRest Yoga Nidra as a unique form of meditative inquiry. She completed Levels I and II training directly with Dr. Richard Miller (the founder of iRest) and in 2015 became the first certified iRest Yoga Nidra teacher in NZ. Since then she has regularly been assisting at iRest teacher trainings in Australia and NZ and has recently become a member of the Meditation Association of Australia.

Una is passionate about helping clients and students meet life’s challenges through this meditation practice. She offers one-on-one sessions and occasional group classes throughout the Wellington CBD and from the Ngaio Natural Health Centre.

She and Neal first teamed up in February 2017 to host the first Level 1 iRest Training in NZ in Takapuna, Auckland. This will be the first of many iRest Yoga Nidra events they host in collaboration.

Discovering iRest – My Personal Journey with the Practice

I’ll never forget my first encounter with my meditation teacher (iRest founder) Richard Miller. I was in the Gold Coast at the first wave of teacher trainings to come to this part of the world, feeling very much out of my depth and wondering if I should even be there – I mean, who was I to think I could teach people to meditate? But there I was, and so was Richard Miller. I wasn’t at all sure what to make of him, but I walked over and, with all my nervousness, the first thing I said was, “Hi, I recognise you!” And he said, “Ah, but do you recognise yourself?”  And I knew I was in for something, and in the presence of someone, well, different.

Years later, after completing both rounds of teacher trainings and a retreat on a ranch in Montana, I found myself talking to Richard again. This time we were about to embark on seven days of silent meditation in Sydney. I told him about our first encounter and he laughed. So did I, because now, after steeping in these non-dual practices day in, day out since that first meeting, I could see the humour in all of it, and could finally give him an answer: “Yes, yes I do recognise my SELF.”

​I feel so passionate about offering iRest teachings to my students now because I know, first-hand, the potential this yoga nidra practice has to transform. For me, there was life before, and life after, iRest – and one of those things is/was definitely not like the other. So, how, exactly, has it made a difference?

Before iRest I was at war with myself. Today, I look back and can see how I was always drawn to yoga, to meditation, because of such deep misalignment (and not of the anatomical kind). Like so many people, I was feeling emotionally off-centre.

iRest showed me how to wholeheartedly welcome myself and life just as it is – taught me how to be with my beliefs and doubts, my fears and sense of not enough. The good, the bad and the ugly.

iRest is my yoga practice now and it’s changed my life. What began as a journey to re-align in all ways imaginable with hatha yoga, led to a deep down understanding that there is nothing that needs fixing and there is nothing to judge. The war with myself is over and in it’s wake is compassion and a profound gratitude for the fight. After all, without it there would not have been this re-discovery of wholeness that Richard prompted me to make with the very first words to me- that arrow straight to the heart of the matter.  And so I’ll pass it on to you, whisper in your ear: “Do you recognise your Self?”

Full article on Una’s website here:  findingcentre.co.nz

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