Neal Ghoshal

Neal Ghoshal, Certified iRest Teacher
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M : 021 180 7867
Please contact Neal for more info on his classes, courses, workshops and one to one sessions.

About Neal

Neal has been practicing yoga for over 24 years and teaching since 2003. He sees yoga as a map guiding us home to a place of peace and relaxed openness in each moment. Neal’s teaching focuses on exploring and refining natural movement and alignment principles – learning to embody these principles in a way that takes our spiritual practice into our everyday lives.

Neal creates a safe and inviting space in which to learn and discover yoga as a balance between effort and effortlessness, structural alignment and organic fluidity, mindfulness and spontaneity.

“Ultimately, the practice of yoga leads us to a place where we may respond to life’s challenges with ease in our breath and body, with wise choices, and with kindness and an open heart.”

He has taught on teacher training programs in Australia and New Zealand, and is currently part of the faculty on renowned teacher Donna Farhi’s Advanced Teacher Training and is a founder and part of the core faculty on Contemporary Yoga Teacher Training.

Neal has also been studying the work of Richard Miller for over a decade, and over a period of four years, studying with Richard and with other senior iRest® Yoga Nidra trainers, became a certified iRest Teacher in 2017.

Neal is also an experienced Holistic and Thai massage therapist, an accomplished musician and kirtan chant leader, and absolutely loves to dance!

Yoga Training and Career

Practicing yoga since 1998
2003 : Ashram Yoga Teacher Training
2005 : Yoga Academy, Auckland, a full year of various module certificates
2007 : Advanced Teacher Training with Donna Farhi
2010 : Advanced Teacher Training with Donna Farhi as assistant
2012 : Advanced Teacher Training with Donna Farhi as faculty
2012 : Primary Teacher on Teacher Training, Yoga Spirit Studios, Adelaide
2013 : Level 1 iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher Training
2013/14/15 : Yoga Teacher Training, Kawai Purapura, as core faculty
2014 : Level 2 iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher Training
2015 : Advanced Teacher Training with Donna Farhi as faculty
2017 : Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher
2015 onwards : Contemporary Yoga Teacher Training, Founding Member and Core Faculty
Ongoiing trainings and workshops, including a fascination and curiosity to embodied kindness.

In addition to the above, there have been numerous day, weekend and five day yoga intensives over the years, including many with Donna, other Satyananda teachings and somatic workshops e.g. Body Mind Centering – Experiential Anatomy.

Neal also has two holistic and therapeutic massage qualifications from London 1998 and Thai Massage certificates. The study of bodywork has helped gain a deeper understanding of body, breath, movement, health, mind, emotions and happiness.

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